
SGX Walkthrough Workshop

It’s always a joy for me to connect with more members of the public.

In July 2020, I did an SGX Walkthrough Workshop and I decided to open it up for replay.

You’ll learn:

  1. My learning experiences from the past 7 years of investing
  2. The easiest way to eliminate 90% of undesirable listed companies
  3. Live demonstration on how I analysed some SGX companies
  4. A recent list of all SGX companies for you to apply your filters

kelvin seetoh workshop

This is open to anyone who wants to learn. Remember to bring your notepad with a pen, or record down your learnings in your phone.

The worst thing is spending 2 hours with me and you walk away with nothing. I hope to effect a change in the way you invest and allow you to take one step closer to your financial freedom. Give yourself the courage to learn.

Head over to this link!

>>  https://event.webinarjam.com/register/89/627k0a7z <<

If you find value in this, please share with your friends too!

PS: Today, I am focusing 100% on growth investing. If you’re interested to attend my growth investing training, send me a message on my Facebook!