
“Expand Your Circle of Competence” Book Launch

“Expand Your Circle of Competence” Book Launch

book launch kelvestor

6 – 8 months ago, Jonathan and I spoke about the idea of writing down our investment experiences into a book. I can’t remember exactly when the idea was started.

I didn’t expect it to be so difficult. We challenged ourselves to contribute case studies of companies where we made money and companies where we lost money. On top of that, we wanted to share our knowledge on how to analyse several industries such as REITs and retail. Contrary to popular beliefs, writing the book was the easiest part. The difficult part was to find qualified editors, nailing down the book cover design and getting book testimonials. Jonathan did an incredible job, he stayed up late to finish all of the edits. I lost count on how many times he edited, I could tell that he really wanted to deliver something of quality to everyone. There were so many people who spent an incredible amount of time to prepare our charts and book structure.

writing a book kelvestor

Honestly, I asked myself this question — who am I to write a book? Apart from having 6 years of investing experience and sharing my investment knowledge, I have nothing else. In investing, there are many learning checkpoints and I haven’t gotten to the final checkpoint. If this book could help someone skip several checkpoints and get ahead in their investment journey, it’d be very rewarding for us. That is all it matters.

kelvestor book launch
In my early days of investing, I was all alone. I scouted many investment forums, trying to learn from generous investors who shared their analysis process to me. And I think those learning opportunities put me in a good position today.

For some cynics who say that we use our book to make money, let me say that we make my money off our investment portfolio using growth strategies. For our books, we made a loss. After paying for venue rental, book editor cost, support staff, we made losses. If our intention is to make money off this book, the effort versus the money made is simply not worth it. At the end of the day, I feel any endeavour should be measured on the possible impact, and not using money as the only measure as considerations.

Thank you to the entire team who planned time slots for our readers to collect the books, everything went so smoothly and we received raving reviews so far!

expandyourcoc kelvestor

expandyourcoc book review

Life is precious, fragile, and our time on earth is fleeting. Don’t live life with regrets. If there are things you want to do, just let go of insecurities and beautiful things will happen! For me, I wish to give people a headstart and help them reach to where I am because I was a huge beneficiary of many people who extended their help to me.

For those who are keen to get this book, visit the links below

Bought, but not collected? https://www.gimstocks.com/2ndcollection

Looking for the 2nd edition?  https://www.gimstocks.com/expandyourcoc