
Tag: hedgehog portfolio


Why I’m Confident About My Hedgehog Portfolio When The Worst is Yet To Come

IMPORTANT: Please read the disclaimer before continuing. Back in February 2022, I updated all of you about the progress of the hedgehog portfolio. It was down by 30% and I was not fazed. I was informing you guys that I have been buying stocks selectively. I’m buying stocks that are inflation resilient, with strong balance…
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I’m Down >30% This Year And I’m Doing One Thing Right Now

Time flies. The last update for our Hedgehog Portfolio was in July 2021. It was almost 6 months ago. Back then, Hedgehog Portfolio was doing remarkably well. It was up 133% YTD. Since then, my performance went downhill. The stocks I held gave way and corrected heavily in the past few months. My gains disappeared…
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Do your beliefs sabotage your portfolio

Do Your Beliefs Sabotage Your Portfolio?

IMPORTANT: Please read the disclaimer before continuing. As an investor, you will have a certain set of beliefs that will define your investment style. So to find out what makes a successful investor, I started thinking about some beliefs that could either limit or accelerate their ability to grow their portfolio. With that, I would…
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hedgehog portfolio kelvestor

The Hedgehog Portfolio Hits S$200k!

IMPORTANT: Please read the disclaimer before continuing. Have you ever felt so defeated because you thought that having a huge amount of capital was necessary to make returns in the stock market? As a young 19 years old kid, I was in your shoes and the feeling sucked. Then, a realisation struck me. Why should…
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